Investment memo: Kahani

Company: Kahani
CEO: Jesse Pujji
Monthly revenue at time of investment: $0
The website is the single most important asset for brands selling online. Yet the structure and format of these sites has not evolved in 10 years.
Homepage with overview and hamburger navigation > product page > cart.
But think about the top channels these brands are using to drive traffic to their websites: Instagram, Tik Tok, Snapchat.
All mobile, all story and video centric.
Kahani's platform enables brands to replicate the video and social nature consumers are used to, embedded directly into the brand's website.
They can easily build video based stories about the brand, feature different products and other common use cases.
Shopify's tech is 17 years old. If they enabled brands to build sites for 2022, it would look more like kahani.
I like this wedge a lot. I can see agencies loving the platform, selling services around this, running AB tests, etc. The possibilities are strong, and the early conversion and engagement lift through kahani is impossible to ignore.
On top of that, I've followed the founder Jesse for some time. He understands modern marketing, and how to build an audience.
And his product cofounder is someone I know well from my Privy days.
It's a great team, a solid product wedge into a much bigger opportunity, and strong group of coinvestors.